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An object's ToolStripItem.AccessibleDescription property provides a textual description about an object's visual appearance. The description is primarily used to provide greater context for low-vision or blind users, but can also be used for context searching or other applications.
The ToolStripItem.AccessibleDescription property is needed if the description is not obvious, or if it is not redundant based on the object's ToolStripItem.AccessibleName, ToolStripItem.AccessibleRole, AccessibleObject.State, and AccessibleObject.Value properties. For example, a button labeled OK would not need additional information, but a button that shows a picture of a cactus would. The ToolStripItem.AccessibleName and ToolStripItem.AccessibleRole and, perhaps, AccessibleObject.Help properties for the cactus button would describe its purpose, but the ToolStripItem.AccessibleDescription property would convey information that is less tangible, such as "A button that shows a picture of a cactus."
For more information about properties of accessible objects, see "Content of Descriptive Properties" in the "Active Accessibility" section of the MSDN Library, at
For samples, see the System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleObject class.