Gtk.HTMLCommandType Enumeration
Enumeration of commands that GtkHTML knows how to respond to.


public enum HTMLCommandType



Member NameDescription
UndoUndo the last command
RedoRedo the last un-done command.
CopyCopy the current selection.
CopyAndDisableSelectionCopy the current selection and make further selection impossible.
CutCut the current selection.
PastePaste the current clipboard contents.
CutLineCut the current line to the clipboard.
InsertParagraphInsert a new paragraph at the cursor location.
InsertTabInsert a tab character.
InsertRuleInsert a rule line.
InsertRuleParamInsert parameters for a rule line.
InsertImageParamInsert parameters for an image.
InsertTabOrIndentMoreAdd a new tab or increase the current indent level.
InsertTabOrNextCellInsert a new tab or go to the next table in a cell.
Create a new link.
Remove an existing link.
DeleteDelete text.
DeleteBackDelete the character before the cursor.
DeleteBackOrIndentDecDelete the character before the cursor or remove an indent level.
SelectionModeGo into selection mode.
DisableSelectionDisable selections.
BoldOnMake text bold.
BoldOffMake text non-bold.
BoldToggleToggle the bold style for a character or region.
ItalicOnMake text italic.
ItalicOffMake text non-italic.
ItalicToggleToggle the italic attribute for a character or block of text.
UnderlineOnMake text underlined.
UnderlineOffMake text non-underlined.
UnderlineToggleToggle the underline attribute on a character or block of text.
StrikeoutOnStrike out text.
StrikeoutOffRemove strikeouts from text.
StrikeoutToggleToggle the strikeout attribute on a character or block of text.
SizeMinus2Sets text to the smallest size.
SizeMinus1Sets text to the second-smallest size.
SizePlus0Sets text to normal size.
SizePlus1Sets text to a medium-large size.
SizePlus2Sets text to a large size.
SizePlus3Sets text to a very large size.
SizePlus4Sets text to the largest possible size.
SizeIncreaseMakes text one size larger.
SizeDecreaseMakes text one size smaller.
AlignLeftLeft-aligns text.
AlignCenterCenter-aligns text.
AlignRightRight-aligns text.
IndentZeroClears indent values on text.
IndentIncIndents text one level.
IndentIncOrNextCellIndents text one level or moves it to the next cell in a table.
IndentDecDe-indents text.
PrevCellGoes to the previous cell in a table.
IndentParagraphIndents an entire paragraph.
BreakAndFillLineAdds a new linebreak and re-flows text appropriately.
SpaceAndFillLineAdds a new space and re-flows text appropriately.
ParagraphStyleNormalSets the style of this paragraph to normal.
ParagraphStyleH1Sets this paragraph to be an HTML H1 element.
ParagraphStyleH2Sets this paragraph to be an HTML H2 element.
ParagraphStyleH3Sets this paragraph to be an HTML H3 element.
ParagraphStyleH4Sets this paragraph to be an HTML H4 element.
ParagraphStyleH5Sets this paragraph to be an HTML H5 element.
ParagraphStyleH6Sets this paragraph to be an HTML H6 element.
ParagraphStyleAddressSets this paragraph to be an HTML <address> element.
ParagraphStylePreSets this paragraph to be preformatted (i.e. fixed-width with carriage returns being significant).
ParagraphStyleItemdottedSets this paragraph to be an HTML <LI> item.
ParagraphStyleItemromanSets this paragraph to be part of a sequentially-Roman-numeral-numbered list.
ParagraphStyleItemdigitSets this paragraph to be part of a sequentially-numbered list.
ParagraphStyleItemalphaSets this paragraph to be part of a sequentially-alphabetically-numbered list ("a. Item one; b. Item two; c. Item three.")
ModifySelectionUpExtends the current selection up.
ModifySelectionDownExtends the current selection down.
ModifySelectionLeftExtends the current selection to the left.
ModifySelectionRightExtends the current selection to the right.
ModifySelectionPageupExtends the current selection by one page upwards.
ModifySelectionPagedownExtends the current selection by one page downwards.
ModifySelectionBolExtends the current selection to the beginning of the line.
ModifySelectionEolExtends the current selection to the end of the line.
ModifySelectionBodExtend the selection to the beginning of the document.
ModifySelectionEodExtend the selection to the end of the document.
ModifySelectionPrevWordExtend the selection to include the previous word.
ModifySelectionNextWordExtend the selection to include the next word.
CapitalizeWordCapitalize the current word.
UpcaseWordTurns this word into all-upper-case.
DowncaseWordTurns this word into all-lower-case.
SpellSuggestSuggest a spelling for the current (misspelled) word.
SpellPersonalDictionaryAddAdd this word to the user's personal spellchecker dictionary.
SpellSessionDictionaryAddAdd this word to the spellchecker dictionary for this session, so that it doesn't show up as misspelled.
SearchSearch the widget for a given term.
SearchIncrementalForwardIncremental search forward.
SearchIncrementalBackwardIncremental search backward.
SearchRegexSearch the text using a regular expression.
FocusForwardMove focus forward one widget.
FocusBackwardMove focus backward one widget.
PopupMenuPopup the context menu.
PropertiesDialogPop up the properties dialog.
CursorForwardMove the cursor forward.
CursorBackwardMove the cursor backward.
InsertTable11Insert a table with empty text, one row, and one column.
TableInsertColAfterInsert a table column after the current one.
TableInsertColBeforeInsert a table column before the current one.
TableInsertRowAfterInsert a table row after the current one.
TableInsertRowBeforeInsert a table row before the current one.
TableDeleteColDelete a table column.
TableDeleteRowDelete a row from the current table.
TableCellIncCspanWiden/increase the COLSPAN attribute for a table cell.
TableCellDecCspanNarrow/decrease the COLSPAN attribute for a table cell.
TableCellIncRspanIncrease the ROWSPAN attribute for a table cell.
TableCellDecRspanDecrease the ROWSPAN attribute for a table cell.
TableCellJoinLeftJoin this table cell with one to its left.
TableCellJoinRightJoin this table cell with one to its right.
TableCellJoinUpJoin this table cell with one above it.
TableCellJoinDownJoin this table cell with one below it.
TableBorderWidthIncMake the borders of this table wider.
TableBorderWidthDecMake the borders of this table narrower.
TableBorderWidthZeroMake the borders of this table zero.
TextSetDefaultColorSet the default color of text.
SelectWordSelect the current word.
SelectLineSelect the current line.
SelectParagraphSelect the current paragraph.
SelectParagraphExtendedSelect a paragraph or more.
SelectAllSelect all of this document.
CursorPositionSaveSave the cursor's current position to the cursor position stack.
CursorPositionRestoreRestores a cursor position that was saved to the cursor position stack.
CursorBodMove the cursor to the beginning of the document.
CursorEodMove the cursor to the end of the document.
BlockRedrawStops the widget from redrawing.
UnblockRedrawAllows the widget to redraw.
ZoomInMagnify the text.
ZoomOutMake the text display size smaller.
ZoomResetReset the zoom level to normal size text.
TableSpacingIncIncrease the spacing between table cells.
TableSpacingDecDecrease the spacing between table cells.
TableSpacingZeroMake the spacing between table cells zero.
TablePaddingIncIncrease the padding between table cells.
TablePaddingDecDecrease the padding between table cells.
TablePaddingZeroSet the padding between table cells to zero.
DeleteTableDelete an entire table.
DeleteTableRowDelete a row from a table.
DeleteTableColumnDelete a column from a table.
DeleteTableCellContentsClear the contents of a table cell.
GrabFocusGrab the keyboard focus.
KillWordDeletes a word.
KillWordBackwardDeletes the word before the cursor.
TextColorApplyApply a certain color to a text selection.
SaveDataOnTurn data-saving on.
SaveDataOffTurn data-saving off.
SavedWhether this data has been saved since the last change.
IsSavedWhether this data has been saved since the last change.
ScrollBodGo to the beginning of the document.
ScrollEodGo to the end of the document.
CellCspanIncIncrease the COLSPAN value of a table cell.
CellRspanIncIncrease the ROWSPAN value of a table cell.
CellCspanDecDecrease the COLSPAN attribute of a cell.
CellRspanDecDecrease the ROWSPAN attribute of a cell.
BlockSelectionDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
EditableOffDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
EditableOnDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
IsSelectionActiveDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
ScrollBackwardDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
ScrollForwardDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
UnblockSelectionDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.


Namespace: Gtk
Assembly: gtkhtml-sharp (in gtkhtml-sharp.dll)
Assembly Versions: