Android.Content.ComponentCallbacks2 Members

The members of Android.Content.ComponentCallbacks2 are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from System.Object

Public Fields

TrimMemoryBackgroundTrimMemory (40). Level for ComponentCallbacks2.onTrimMemory(int): the process has gone on to the LRU list.
TrimMemoryCompleteTrimMemory (80). Level for ComponentCallbacks2.onTrimMemory(int): the process is nearing the end of the background LRU list, and if more memory isn't found soon it will be killed.
TrimMemoryModerateTrimMemory (60). Level for ComponentCallbacks2.onTrimMemory(int): the process is around the middle of the background LRU list; freeing memory can help the system keep other processes running later in the list for better overall performance.
TrimMemoryRunningCriticalTrimMemory (15). Level for ComponentCallbacks2.onTrimMemory(int): the process is not an expendable background process, but the device is running extremely low on memory and is about to not be able to keep any background processes running.
TrimMemoryRunningLowTrimMemory (10). Level for ComponentCallbacks2.onTrimMemory(int): the process is not an expendable background process, but the device is running low on memory.
TrimMemoryRunningModerateTrimMemory (5). Level for ComponentCallbacks2.onTrimMemory(int): the process is not an expendable background process, but the device is running moderately low on memory.
TrimMemoryUiHiddenTrimMemory (20). Level for ComponentCallbacks2.onTrimMemory(int): the process had been showing a user interface, and is no longer doing so.