UIKit.UITableViewDelegate Members

The members of UIKit.UITableViewDelegate are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from UIKit.UIScrollViewDelegate

Public Constructors

Default constructor that initializes a new instance of this class with no parameters.

Protected Constructors

Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.
A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime.

Public Methods

AccessoryButtonTapped(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath)
Called when the user taps the DetailDisclosureButton accessory on the row located at indexPath.
AccessoryForRow(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : UITableViewCellAccessory
Deprecated in iOS 3.0. Use UITableViewCell.Accessory and UITableViewCell.AccessoryView when configuring table view cells.
CanPerformAction(UITableView, ObjCRuntime.Selector, Foundation.NSIndexPath, Foundation.NSObject) : bool
Whether the editing menu should omit the Copy or Paste command for the specified row.
CellDisplayingEnded(UITableView, UITableViewCell, Foundation.NSIndexPath)
Called when a table row is removed from a UIKit.UITableView (for example, due to scrolling).
CustomizeMoveTarget(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : Foundation.NSIndexPath
Return a new index path to change the final location of a row being moved by the user.
DidEndEditing(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath)
Called when the table view has left editing mode for the row specified by indexPath.
EditActionsForRow(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : UITableViewRowAction[]
Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
EditingStyleForRow(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : UITableViewCellEditingStyle
Called for each row being displayed by the table view, to determine what editing style to use for that row.
EstimatedHeight(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : nfloat
The estimated height of the cell at the indexPath.
EstimatedHeightForFooter(UITableView, nint) : nfloat
The estimated height of the footer for the specified section.
EstimatedHeightForHeader(UITableView, nint) : nfloat
The estimated height of the header for the specified section.
FooterViewDisplayingEnded(UITableView, UIView, nint)
Called when a section footer view is removed from the table (for instance, due to scrolling).
GetHeightForFooter(UITableView, nint) : nfloat
Called to determine the height of the footer for the section specified by section.
GetHeightForHeader(UITableView, nint) : nfloat
Called to determine the height of the header for the section specified by section.
GetHeightForRow(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : nfloat
Called to determine the height of the row at indexPath.
GetViewForFooter(UITableView, nint) : UIView
Returns a view object to display at the end of the given section.
GetViewForHeader(UITableView, nint) : UIView
Returns a view object to display at the start of the given section.
HeaderViewDisplayingEnded(UITableView, UIView, nint)
Called when a section header is removed from a table (for instance, due to scrolling).
IndentationLevel(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : nint
Get the indentation level for the row specified by indexPath.
PerformAction(UITableView, ObjCRuntime.Selector, Foundation.NSIndexPath, Foundation.NSObject)
Called to perform a copy or paste operation on the row specified by indexPath.
RowDeselected(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath)
Called when the row specified by indexPath is de-selected.
RowHighlighted(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath)
Called when a row is highlighted.
RowSelected(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath)
Called when the row specified by indexPath is selected.
RowUnhighlighted(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath)
Called when a row is unhighlighted.
ShouldHighlightRow(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : bool
Called prior to highlighting. If this method returns false, the row will not be highlighted.
ShouldIndentWhileEditing(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : bool
Whether the row specified by indexPath should be indented while the table is in edit mode.
ShouldShowMenu(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : bool
Whether the editing menu should be displayed for the row specified by indexPath.
TitleForDeleteConfirmation(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : string
Sets the text of the Delete button for the specified row.
WillBeginEditing(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath)
Called when the table view is about to enter swipe-to-delete editing mode.
WillDeselectRow(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : Foundation.NSIndexPath
Called prior to the de-selection of a row.
WillDisplay(UITableView, UITableViewCell, Foundation.NSIndexPath)
Called just before a cell is rendered for the row specified by indexPath.
WillDisplayFooterView(UITableView, UIView, nint)
Called prior to the display of a footer view for a section.
WillDisplayHeaderView(UITableView, UIView, nint)
Called prior to the display of a header view for a section.
WillSelectRow(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : Foundation.NSIndexPath
Called when a row is about to be selected.