System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel.AutoSize Property

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the status bar panel is automatically resized.


public StatusBarPanelAutoSize AutoSize { set; get; }


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System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel objects set to StatusBarPanelAutoSize.Contents have precedence over those panels set to the StatusBarPanelAutoSize.Spring value. For example, a System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel that has its StatusBarPanel.AutoSize property set to StatusBarPanelAutoSize.Spring is shortened if a System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel with the StatusBarPanel.AutoSize property set to StatusBarPanelAutoSize.Contents requires that space.

You can use StatusBarPanel.AutoSize to ensure that the contents of a System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel are properly displayed in a System.Windows.Forms.StatusBar control that contains more than one panel. For example, you might want a panel that contains text to adjust automatically to the amount of text it is displaying (StatusBarPanelAutoSize.Contents), while another panel on the System.Windows.Forms.StatusBar that displays an owner-drawn progress bar would need to be a fixed size (StatusBarPanelAutoSize.None).


Namespace: System.Windows.Forms
Assembly: System.Windows.Forms (in System.Windows.Forms.dll)
Assembly Versions: 1.0.5000.0,