Gets or sets a value indicating whether the parsing of user input should stop after the first invalid character is reached.
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Sometimes the user will enter several characters into a System.Windows.Forms.MaskedTextBox in a single input operation, typically by copying and pasting a string. If the entire string only contains valid characters, according to their paste position in the input mask, then the entire operation will succeed. However, when a parsing error occurs, the behavior of System.Windows.Forms.MaskedTextBox depends on the value of MaskedTextBox.RejectInputOnFirstFailure, as follows:
If this property is true, then processing of the input string stops at the invalid character. All subsequent characters are ignored. A single MaskedTextBox.MaskInputRejected event is raised.
If this property is false, then the invalid character is rejected, but parsing continues with the next character in the input string. A MaskedTextBox.MaskInputRejected event is raised for every invalid character in the input string.
The MaskedTextBox.ResetOnPrompt, MaskedTextBox.ResetOnSpace and MaskedTextBox.SkipLiterals properties can also influence the interpretation of the user input.
If the MaskedTextBox.IsOverwriteMode property is false, then any characters already in the input mask to the right of the insertion point will be displaced by the accepted number of characters. This shifting may cause additional parsing errors.
A pasting operation can be mimicked programmatically by setting the MaskedTextBox.SelectedText property.