Android.App.Admin Namespace

Provides device administration features at the system level, allowing you to create security-aware applications that are useful in enterprise settings, in which IT professionals require rich control over employee devices.


Provides device administration features at the system level, allowing you to create security-aware applications that are useful in enterprise settings, in which IT professionals require rich control over employee devices.

For more information, see the Device Administration guide.


DeviceAdminInfoThis class is used to specify meta information of a device administrator component.
DeviceAdminInfo+InterfaceConstsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
DeviceAdminReceiverBase class for implementing a device administration component.
DeviceAdminUsesEnumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the Android.App.Admin.DeviceAdminInfo.GetTagForPolicy, Android.App.Admin.DeviceAdminInfo.UsesPolicy, and Android.App.Admin.DevicePolicyManager.HasGrantedPolicy members.
DevicePolicyManagerPublic interface for managing policies enforced on a device.
DevicePolicyManagerFlagsEnumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the Android.App.Admin.DevicePolicyManager.AddCrossProfileIntentFilter member.
EncryptionStatusEnumerates values returned by several types.
KeyguardDisableEnumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the Android.App.Admin.DevicePolicyManager.SetKeyguardDisabledFeatures member.
PasswordQualityEnumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the Android.App.Admin.DevicePolicyManager.GetPasswordMaximumLength, and Android.App.Admin.DevicePolicyManager.SetPasswordQuality members.
ResetPasswordFlagsEnumerates values returned by the Android.App.Admin.DevicePolicyManager.ResetPasswordRequireEntry, and Android.App.Admin.ResetPasswordFlags.RequireEntry members and taken as a parameter of the Android.App.Admin.DevicePolicyManager.ResetPassword member.
WipeDataFlagsEnumerates values returned by the Android.App.Admin.DevicePolicyManager.WipeExternalStorage, Android.App.Admin.WipeDataFlags.None, and Android.App.Admin.WipeDataFlags.WipeExternalStorage members and taken as a parameter of the Android.App.Admin.DevicePolicyManager.WipeData member.