System.Windows.Forms.Splitter.MinExtra Property

Gets or sets the minimum distance that must remain between the splitter control and the edge of the opposite side of the container (or the closest control docked to that side). Splitter.MinExtra has been replaced by similar properties in System.Windows.Forms.SplitContainer and is provided only for compatibility with previous versions.


public int MinExtra { set; get; }


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For a horizontal System.Windows.Forms.Splitter control (a System.Windows.Forms.Splitter control docked to the top or bottom of a container), the minimum height of the area of the container reserved for undocked controls is this value minus the height of the System.Windows.Forms.Splitter control. For a vertical System.Windows.Forms.Splitter control (a System.Windows.Forms.Splitter control docked to the left or right of a container), the minimum width of the area of the container reserved for undocked controls is this value minus the width of the System.Windows.Forms.Splitter control. The user cannot move the splitter past the limit specified by this property.


If the Splitter.MinExtra property is set to a negative value, the property value is reset to 0.


Namespace: System.Windows.Forms
Assembly: System.Windows.Forms (in System.Windows.Forms.dll)
Assembly Versions: 1.0.5000.0,