Android.AccessibilityServices.AccessibilityGesture Enumeration
Enumerates values returned by several types.


public enum AccessibilityGesture


Enumerates value returned by the following: .


Member NameDescription
SwipeDownThe user has performed a swipe down gesture on the touch screen.
SwipeDownAndLeftThe user has performed an down and left gesture on the touch screen.
SwipeDownAndRightThe user has performed an down and right gesture on the touch screen.
SwipeDownAndUpThe user has performed a swipe down and up gesture on the touch screen.
SwipeLeftThe user has performed a swipe left gesture on the touch screen.
SwipeLeftAndDownThe user has performed a left and down gesture on the touch screen.
SwipeLeftAndRightThe user has performed a swipe left and right gesture on the touch screen.
SwipeLeftAndUpThe user has performed a left and up gesture on the touch screen.
SwipeRightThe user has performed a swipe right gesture on the touch screen.
SwipeRightAndDownThe user has performed a right and down gesture on the touch screen.
SwipeRightAndLeftThe user has performed a swipe right and left gesture on the touch screen.
SwipeRightAndUpThe user has performed a right and up gesture on the touch screen.
SwipeUpThe user has performed a swipe up gesture on the touch screen.
SwipeUpAndDownThe user has performed a swipe up and down gesture on the touch screen.
SwipeUpAndLeftThe user has performed an up and left gesture on the touch screen.
SwipeUpAndRightThe user has performed an up and right gesture on the touch screen.


Namespace: Android.AccessibilityServices
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: