Android.Transitions.Transition: Method Members

The methods of Android.Transitions.Transition are listed below. For a list of all members, see the Transition Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Methods

AddListener(Android.Transitions.Transition.ITransitionListener) : Android.Transitions.Transition
Adds a listener to the set of listeners that are sent events through the life of an animation, such as start, repeat, and end.
AddTarget(Android.Views.View) : Android.Transitions.Transition
Sets the target view instances that this Transition is interested in animating.
AddTarget(Java.Lang.Class) : Android.Transitions.Transition
Adds the Class of a target view that this Transition is interested in animating.
AddTarget(int) : Android.Transitions.Transition
Adds the id of a target view that this Transition is interested in animating.
AddTarget(string) : Android.Transitions.Transition
Adds the transitionName of a target view that this Transition is interested in animating.
CanRemoveViews() : bool
Captures the values in the end scene for the properties that this transition monitors.
Captures the values in the start scene for the properties that this transition monitors.
Clone() : Android.Transitions.Transition
Creates and returns a copy of this Object.
CreateAnimator(Android.Views.ViewGroup, Android.Transitions.TransitionValues, Android.Transitions.TransitionValues) : Android.Animation.Animator
This method creates an animation that will be run for this transition given the information in the startValues and endValues structures captured earlier for the start and end scenes.
ExcludeChildren(Android.Views.View, bool) : Android.Transitions.Transition
Whether to add the children of given target to the list of target children to exclude from this transition.
ExcludeChildren(Java.Lang.Class, bool) : Android.Transitions.Transition
Whether to add the given type to the list of types whose children should be excluded from this transition.
ExcludeChildren(int, bool) : Android.Transitions.Transition
Whether to add the children of the given id to the list of targets to exclude from this transition.
ExcludeTarget(Android.Views.View, bool) : Android.Transitions.Transition
Whether to add the given target to the list of targets to exclude from this transition.
ExcludeTarget(Java.Lang.Class, bool) : Android.Transitions.Transition
Whether to add the given type to the list of types to exclude from this transition.
ExcludeTarget(int, bool) : Android.Transitions.Transition
Whether to add the given id to the list of target ids to exclude from this transition.
ExcludeTarget(string, bool) : Android.Transitions.Transition
Whether to add the given transitionName to the list of target transitionNames to exclude from this transition.
GetEpicenterCallback() : Android.Transitions.Transition.EpicenterCallback
Returns the callback used to find the epicenter of the Transition.
GetTransitionProperties() : string[]
Returns the set of property names used stored in the Android.Transitions.TransitionValues object passed into Transition.CaptureStartValues(TransitionValues) that this transition cares about for the purposes of canceling overlapping animations.
GetTransitionValues(Android.Views.View, bool) : Android.Transitions.TransitionValues
This method can be called by transitions to get the TransitionValues for any particular view during the transition-playing process.
RemoveListener(Android.Transitions.Transition.ITransitionListener) : Android.Transitions.Transition
Removes a listener from the set listening to this animation.
RemoveTarget(Android.Views.View) : Android.Transitions.Transition
Removes the given target from the list of targets that this Transition is interested in animating.
RemoveTarget(Java.Lang.Class) : Android.Transitions.Transition
Removes the given target from the list of targets that this Transition is interested in animating.
RemoveTarget(int) : Android.Transitions.Transition
Removes the given targetId from the list of ids that this Transition is interested in animating.
RemoveTarget(string) : Android.Transitions.Transition
Removes the given targetName from the list of transitionNames that this Transition is interested in animating.
SetDuration(long) : Android.Transitions.Transition
Sets the duration of this transition.
Sets the callback to use to find the epicenter of a Transition.
SetInterpolator(Android.Animation.ITimeInterpolator) : Android.Transitions.Transition
Sets the interpolator of this transition.
SetMatchOrder(params int[])
Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
SetStartDelay(long) : Android.Transitions.Transition
Sets the startDelay of this transition.