Android.Views.ViewGroup.ShouldDelayChildPressedState Method
Return true if the pressed state should be delayed for children or descendants of this ViewGroup.


[Android.Runtime.Register("shouldDelayChildPressedState", "()Z", "GetShouldDelayChildPressedStateHandler")]
public virtual bool ShouldDelayChildPressedState ()


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Return true if the pressed state should be delayed for children or descendants of this ViewGroup. Generally, this should be done for containers that can scroll, such as a List. This prevents the pressed state from appearing when the user is actually trying to scroll the content. The default implementation returns true for compatibility reasons. Subclasses that do not scroll should generally override this method and return false.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Views
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 14