MonoMac.Security.SecStatusCode Enumeration
Status return from the SecKeyChain operations.


public enum SecStatusCode



Member NameDescription
AllocateFailure to allocate memory.
AuthFailedAuthentication failed.
DecodeDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
DuplicateItemThe item is duplicated.
DuplicateKeyChainDuplicated key chain.
InteractionNotAllowedDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
InvalidKeyChainThe keychain provided is invalid.
ItemNotFoundThe item was not found.
NoSuchKeyChainThe keychain specified does not exist.
NotAvailableDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
ParamInvalid or incomplete parameters passed.
ReadOnlyThe keychain is read only.
SuccessSuccess, there was no error.
UnimplementedThe specified feature is not implemented.


Namespace: MonoMac.Security
Assembly: XamMac (in XamMac.dll)
Assembly Versions: