of System.Reflection.IReflect are listed below. For a list of all members, see the IReflect Members list.
Public Methods
| GetField(string, BindingFlags) : FieldInfo
Returns the System.Reflection.FieldInfo object that corresponds to the specified field and binding flag.
| GetFields(BindingFlags) : FieldInfo[]
Returns an array of System.Reflection.FieldInfo objects that correspond to all fields of the current class.
| GetMember(string, BindingFlags) : MemberInfo[]
Retrieves an array of System.Reflection.MemberInfo objects corresponding to all public members or to all members that match a specified name.
| GetMembers(BindingFlags) : MemberInfo[]
Retrieves an array of System.Reflection.MemberInfo objects that correspond either to all public members or to all members of the current class.
| GetMethod(string, BindingFlags) : MethodInfo
Retrieves a System.Reflection.MethodInfo object that corresponds to a specified method under specified search constraints.
| GetMethod(string, BindingFlags, Binder, Type[], ParameterModifier[]) : MethodInfo
Retrieves a System.Reflection.MethodInfo object corresponding to a specified method, using a Type array to choose from among overloaded methods.
| GetMethods(BindingFlags) : MethodInfo[]
Retrieves an array of System.Reflection.MethodInfo objects with all public methods or all methods of the current class.
| GetProperties(BindingFlags) : PropertyInfo[]
Retrieves an array of System.Reflection.PropertyInfo objects corresponding to all public properties or to all properties of the current class.
| GetProperty(string, BindingFlags) : PropertyInfo
Retrieves a System.Reflection.PropertyInfo object corresponding to a specified property under specified search constraints.
| GetProperty(string, BindingFlags, Binder, Type, Type[], ParameterModifier[]) : PropertyInfo
Retrieves a System.Reflection.PropertyInfo object that corresponds to a specified property with specified search constraints.
| InvokeMember(string, BindingFlags, Binder, object, object[], ParameterModifier[], System.Globalization.CultureInfo, string[]) : object
Invokes a specified member.