System.Web.UI.Design.TemplateEditingService.SupportsNestedTemplateEditing Property

Gets a value that indicates whether the service supports nested template editing.


public bool SupportsNestedTemplateEditing { get; }


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The System.Web.UI.Design.TemplateEditingService class is obsolete. Expose templates through the ControlDesigner.TemplateGroups property of a control designer. The design host creates a System.Web.UI.Design.TemplatedEditableDesignerRegion object for each System.Web.UI.Design.TemplateDefinition in each System.Web.UI.Design.TemplateGroup that is defined for a control designer.

The TemplateEditingService.SupportsNestedTemplateEditing property indicates whether a template editor can be invoked from a component of a parent template editor's templated control. This is called nested template editing, because a template editor is invoked for a component of a control for which a template editor is already operating.


Namespace: System.Web.UI.Design
Assembly: System.Design (in System.Design.dll)
Assembly Versions: 1.0.5000.0,