System.Web.UI.Design.DataSourceDesigner: Method Members

The methods of System.Web.UI.Design.DataSourceDesigner are listed below. For a list of all members, see the DataSourceDesigner Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner

Public Methods


Launches the data source configuration utility in the design host.

GetDesignTimeHtml() : string

Retrieves the HTML markup for displaying the associated data source control at design time.

GetView(string) : DesignerDataSourceView

Retrieves a System.Web.UI.Design.DesignerDataSourceView object that is identified by the view name.

GetViewNames() : string[]

Returns an array of the view names that are available in this data source.


Refreshes the schema from the data source, while optionally suppressing events.


Restores data source events after the data source events have been suppressed.

SchemasEquivalent(IDataSourceSchema, IDataSourceSchema) : bool

Provides a value that indicates whether two schemas are equal.


Postpones all data source events until after the DataSourceDesigner.ResumeDataSourceEvents method is called.

ViewSchemasEquivalent(IDataSourceViewSchema, IDataSourceViewSchema) : bool

Provides a value that determines whether two schema views are equal.

Protected Methods


Raises the DataSourceDesigner.DataSourceChanged event when the properties of the data source have changed and the DataSourceDesigner.SuppressingDataSourceEvents value is false.


Raises the DataSourceDesigner.SchemaRefreshed event when the schema of the data source has changed and the DataSourceDesigner.SuppressingDataSourceEvents value is false.