MonoTouch.SpriteKit Namespace

Access to Sprite Kit, a library for animation and physics.


Sprite Kit is a library that provides a high-performance animation and physics loop. It is well-suited for 2D game programming and is available on both iOS and OS X.

The animation loop:

The system restricts the animation loop to a maximum rate of 60Hz.

The visual aspect of the animation loop is determined by a scene-graph consisting of a hierarchy of MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKNodes. The root of the scene-graph is a MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKScene which itself is a MonoTouch.SpiteKit.SKNode (see illustration below). MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKNodes can be rectangular, based on a MonoTouch.CoreGraphics.CGPath, or display text. MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKNodes can be textured, colored, or display video. They can have MonoTouch.CoreImage.CoreFilters applied to them and can be composited.

MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKNodes can have an associated MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKPhysicsBody. All of the MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKPhysicsBodys in the MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKScene.PhysicsWorld of the MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKScene are part of the physics loop. MonoTouch.SpriteKitSKPhysicsBodys are joined to each other with MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKJoints, of which there are several sub-classes as shown in the following illustration.


ISKPhysicsContactDelegateInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKPhysicsContactDelegate.
ISKSceneDelegateInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKSceneDelegate.
SK3DNodeRenders a Scene Kit image as a textured 2D image. Used to incorporate Scene Kit content into a Sprite Kit app.
SKActionModifies properties on a MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKNode, often animating the changes. Sometimes reversible.
SKActionDurationHandlerThe delegate for a custom action, used with MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKAction.CustomActionWithDuration.
SKActionTimingFunctionA method that maps time, a value between 0 and 1, to a return value between 0 snd 1.
SKActionTimingModeAn enumeration whose values specify the time-varying behavior of a MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKAction. Used with MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKAction.TimingMode.
SKBlendModeAn enumeration whose values specify options for blending of visual MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKNodes or particles.
SKConstraintMathematical constraint on a node's position or orientation.
SKCropNodeA node that masks its children's pixels.
SKEffectNodeAn MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKNode that applies a Core Graphics MonoTouch.CoreImage.CIFilter to its output.
SKEmitterNodeA MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKNode that produces colored and textured particles.
SKFieldForceEvaluatorA method that derives a force by applying the physics of a field to a body that is within the field.
SKFieldNodeApplies physics effects within a portion of a scene.
SKInterpolationModeAn enumeration whose values specify the interpolation mode of a MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKKeyframeSequence.
SKKeyframeSequenceAn object that can control the properties of particles emitted by a MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKEmitterNode.
SKLabelHorizontalAlignmentModeAn enumeration whose values specify horizontal alignment of a MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKLabelNode. Used with MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKLabelNode.HorizontalAlignmentMode
SKLabelNodeA MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKNode that displays a string.
SKLabelVerticalAlignmentMode An enumeration whose values specify vertical alignment of a MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKLabelNode. Used with MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKLabelNode.VerticalAlignmentMode
SKLightNodeA node that creates a lighting effect within a scene.
SKMutableTextureA texture that can be modified after assignment.
SKNodeThe building block out of which scene-graphs are made. The root of the tree is an MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKScene.
SKNodeChildEnumeratorHandlerThe delegate that acts as the enumeration handler for MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKNode.EnumerateChildNodes.
SKNodeTouches_UITouchExtension methods for MonoTouch.UIKit.UITouch that aide with conversion to Sprite Kit coordinates.
SKPhysicsBodyAn object that reacts to the physics simulation of the MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKScene's MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKScene.PhysicsWorld.
SKPhysicsContactEncapsulates the data of a collision between two MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKPhysicsBodys.
SKPhysicsContactDelegateA delegate object for MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKPhysicsWorld that provides events when MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKPhysicsBodys begin and end contact with each other.
SKPhysicsContactDelegate_ExtensionsExtension methods to the MonoTouch.SpriteKit.ISKPhysicsContactDelegate interface to support all the methods from the MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKPhysicsContactDelegate protocol.
SKPhysicsJointBase class for subtypes that join bodies in the physics engine.
SKPhysicsJointFixedA MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKPhysicsJoint that rigidly connects two bodies.
SKPhysicsJointLimitA MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKPhysicsJoint that connects two bodies as if by a rope.
SKPhysicsJointPinA MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKPhysicsJoint that pins two bodies to a common point.
SKPhysicsJointSlidingA MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKPhysicsJoint that connects two bodies as if by a sliding rod.
SKPhysicsJointSpringA MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKPhysicsJoint that connects two bodies as if by a spring.
SKPhysicsWorldManages the physics for a MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKScene.
SKPhysicsWorldBodiesAlongRayStartEnumeratorHandlerThe delegate used for enumerating bodies that fall along a ray when used with MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKPhysicsWorld.EnumerateBodies().
SKPhysicsWorldBodiesEnumeratorHandlerThe delegate used to enumerate MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKPhysicsBodys with MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKPhysicsWorld.EnumerateBodies() and MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKPhysicsWorld.EnumerateBodies()
SKRangeDefines a range for acceptable float values.
SKReachConstraintsA range of motion used with inverse kinematics.
SKRegionA path-defined area. Typically used for hit-testing and physics-field extents.
SKRepeatModeAn enumeration whose values specify whether the time value of a MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKKeyframeSequence should cycle.
SKSceneA scene of content in Sprite Kit. The root of a tree of Sprite Kit nodes.
SKSceneDelegateDelegate object for SKScene objects. Provides methods relating to animation events.
SKSceneDelegate_ExtensionsExtension methods to the MonoTouch.SpriteKit.ISKSceneDelegate interface to support all the methods from the MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKSceneDelegate protocol.
SKSceneScaleModeAn enumeration whose values specify the way in which a MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKScene scales to the view in which it is being displayed.
SKShaderAn OpenGL ES fragment shader.
SKShapeNodeA MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKShapeNode defined by a Core Graphics MonoTouch.CoreGraphics.CGPath.
SKSpriteNodeA MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKShapeNode that displays a textured, colored sprite.
SKTextureAn image that can be used with one or more MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKSpriteNodes and particles.
SKTextureAtlasA collection of MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKTextures that are loaded from a single source.
SKTextureFilteringModeAn enumeration whose values specify how a MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKTexture is rendered on a MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKSpriteNode of a different size.
SKTextureModifyA method that modifies a texture in place.
SKTransitionTransitions that can be used between MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKScenes. Used with the MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKView.PresentScene(MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKScene, MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKTransition) method.
SKTransitionDirectionAn enumeration of directions for use with MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKTransitions.
SKUniformHolds shareable uniform data for SKShader objects.
SKUniformTypeContains values that describe the data with which an MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKUniform was initialized.
SKVideoNodeA MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKNode that displays video.
SKViewA MonoTouch.UIKit.UIView that displays a MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKScene.
SKView+SKViewAppearanceAppearance class for objects of type MonoTouch.SpriteKit.SKView.