System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource.ListChanged Event

Occurs when the underlying list changes or an item in the list changes.


public event System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler ListChanged


The BindingSource.ListChanged event occurs when there is a change to the membership or metadata of the underlying list represented by the BindingSource.List property. For example, this event is raised when items are added, removed, or moved, or the BindingSource.DataSource or BindingSource.DataMember properties change. The values of the BindingSource.Sort and BindingSource.Filter properties will persist when this event occurs.

This event can be completely suppressed by setting the BindingSource.RaiseListChangedEvents property to false. For more information about handling events, see Consuming Events.


Namespace: System.Windows.Forms
Assembly: System.Windows.Forms (in System.Windows.Forms.dll)
Assembly Versions: