Type | Reason |
BufferedInputStream | Wraps an existing Java.IO.InputStream and buffers the input. |
BufferedOutputStream | Wraps an existing Java.IO.OutputStream and buffers the output. |
BufferedReader | Wraps an existing Java.IO.Reader and buffers the input. |
BufferedWriter | Wraps an existing Java.IO.Writer and buffers the output. |
ByteArrayInputStream | A specialized Java.IO.InputStream for reading the contents of a byte array. |
ByteArrayOutputStream | A specialized Java.IO.OutputStream for class for writing content to an
(internal) byte array. |
CharArrayReader | A specialized Java.IO.Reader for reading the contents of a char array. |
CharArrayWriter | A specialized Java.IO.Writer for class for writing content to an (internal)
char array. |
CharConversionException | The top level class for character conversion exceptions. |
Console | Provides access to the console, if available. |
DataInputStream | Wraps an existing Java.IO.InputStream and reads big-endian typed data from it. |
DataOutputStream | Wraps an existing Java.IO.OutputStream and writes big-endian typed data to it. |
EOFException | Thrown when a program encounters the end of a file or stream during an input
operation. |
File | An "abstract" representation of a file system entity identified by a
pathname. |
FileDescriptor | Wraps a Unix file descriptor. |
FileInputStream | An input stream that reads bytes from a file. |
FileNotFoundException | Thrown when a file specified by a program cannot be found. |
FileOutputStream | An output stream that writes bytes to a file. |
FilePermission | Legacy security code; do not use. |
FileReader | A specialized Java.IO.Reader that reads from a file in the file system. |
FileWriter | A specialized Java.IO.Writer that writes to a file in the file system. |
FilterInputStream | Wraps an existing Java.IO.InputStream and performs some transformation on
the input data while it is being read. |
FilterOutputStream | Wraps an existing Java.IO.OutputStream and performs some transformation on
the output data while it is being written. |
FilterReader | Wraps an existing Java.IO.Reader and performs some transformation on the
input data while it is being read. |
FilterWriter | Wraps an existing Java.IO.Writer and performs some transformation on the
output data while it is being written. |
ICloseable | An AutoCloseable whose close method may throw an Java.IO.IOException. |
IDataInput | Defines an interface for classes that are able to read big-endian typed data from some
source. |
IDataInputExtensions | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
IDataOutput | Defines an interface for classes that are able to write big-endian typed data to some
target. |
IDataOutputExtensions | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
IExternalizable | Defines an interface for classes that want to be serializable, but have their
own binary representation. |
IExternalizableExtensions | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
IFileFilter | An interface for filtering Java.IO.File objects based on their names
or other information. |
IFilenameFilter | An interface for filtering Java.IO.File objects based on their names
or the directory they reside in. |
IFlushable | Defines an interface for classes that can (or need to) be flushed, typically
before some output processing is considered to be finished and the object
gets closed. |
IFlushableExtensions | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
InputStream | A readable source of bytes. |
InputStreamReader | A class for turning a byte stream into a character stream. |
InterruptedIOException | Signals that a blocking I/O operation has been interrupted. |
InvalidClassException | Signals a problem during the serialization or or deserialization of an
object. |
InvalidObjectException | Signals that, during deserialization, the validation of an object has failed. |
IObjectInput | Defines an interface for classes that allow reading serialized objects. |
IObjectInputExtensions | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
IObjectInputValidation | A callback interface for post-deserialization checks on objects. |
IObjectOutput | Defines an interface for classes that allow writing serialized objects. |
IObjectOutputExtensions | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
IOError | This error is thrown when a severe I/O error has happened. |
IOException | Signals a general, I/O-related error. |
ISerializable | Marks classes that can be serialized by Java.IO.ObjectOutputStream and
deserialized by Java.IO.ObjectInputStream. |
LineNumberInputStream | Wraps an existing Java.IO.InputStream and counts the line terminators
encountered while reading the data. |
LineNumberReader | Wraps an existing Java.IO.Reader and counts the line terminators encountered
while reading the data. |
NotActiveException | Signals that a serialization-related method has been invoked in the wrong
place. |
NotSerializableException | Signals that an object that is not serializable has been passed into the
ObjectOutput.writeObject() method. |
ObjectInputStream | A specialized Java.IO.InputStream that is able to read (deserialize) Java
objects as well as primitive data types (int, byte, char etc. |
ObjectInputStream+GetField | GetField is an inner class that provides access to the persistent fields
read from the source stream. |
ObjectInputStream+InterfaceConsts | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
ObjectOutputStream | A specialized Java.IO.OutputStream that is able to write (serialize) Java
objects as well as primitive data types (int, byte, char etc. |
ObjectOutputStream+InterfaceConsts | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
ObjectOutputStream+PutField | PutField is an inner class to provide access to the persistent fields
that are written to the target stream. |
ObjectStreamClass | Represents a descriptor for identifying a class during serialization and
deserialization. |
ObjectStreamConstants | A helper interface with constants used by the serialization implementation. |
ObjectStreamConstantsConsts | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
ObjectStreamException | Signals some sort of problem during either serialization or deserialization
of objects. |
ObjectStreamField | Describes a field for the purpose of serialization. |
ObjectStreamProtocol | Enumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the Java.IO.ObjectOutputStream.UseProtocolVersion member. |
OptionalDataException | Signals that the Java.IO.ObjectInputStream class encountered a primitive type
(int, char etc.) instead of an object instance in the input
stream. |
OutputStream | A writable sink for bytes. |
OutputStreamWriter | A class for turning a character stream into a byte stream. |
PipedInputStream | Receives information from a communications pipe. |
PipedOutputStream | Places information on a communications pipe. |
PipedReader | Receives information on a communications pipe. |
PipedWriter | Places information on a communications pipe. |
PrintStream | Wraps an existing Java.IO.OutputStream and provides convenience methods for
writing common data types in a human readable format. |
PrintWriter | Wraps either an existing Java.IO.OutputStream or an existing Java.IO.Writer
and provides convenience methods for printing common data types in a human
readable format. |
PushbackInputStream | Wraps an existing Java.IO.InputStream and adds functionality to "push back"
bytes that have been read, so that they can be read again. |
PushbackReader | Wraps an existing Java.IO.Reader and adds functionality to "push back"
characters that have been read, so that they can be read again. |
RandomAccessFile | Allows reading from and writing to a file in a random-access manner. |
Reader | The base class for all readers. |
SequenceInputStream | Concatenates two or more existing Java.IO.InputStreams. |
SerializablePermission | Legacy security code; do not use. |
StreamCorruptedException | Signals that the Java.IO.ObjectInputStream.ReadObject method could not
read an object due to missing information (for example, a cyclic reference
that doesn't match a previous instance, or a missing class descriptor for the
object to be loaded). |
StreamTokenizer | Parses a stream into a set of defined tokens, one at a time. |
StringBufferInputStream | A specialized Java.IO.InputStream that reads bytes from a String in
a sequential manner. |
StringReader | A specialized Java.IO.Reader that reads characters from a String in
a sequential manner. |
StringWriter | A specialized Java.IO.Writer that writes characters to a StringBuffer
in a sequential manner, appending them in the process. |
SyncFailedException | Signals that the Java.IO.FileDescriptor.Sync method has failed to
complete. |
TokenType | Enumerates values returned by several types. |
UnsupportedEncodingException | Thrown when a program asks for a particular character converter that is
unavailable. |
UTFDataFormatException | Signals that an incorrectly encoded UTF-8 string has been encountered, most
likely while reading some Java.IO.DataInputStream. |
WriteAbortedException | Signals that the Java.IO.ObjectInputStream.ReadObject method has detected
an exception marker in the input stream. |
Writer | The base class for all writers. |