An array of type System.Diagnostics.StackFrame representing the function calls in the stack trace.
Use the returned System.Diagnostics.StackFrame array to enumerate and examine function calls in the System.Diagnostics.StackTrace. The length of the returned array is equal to the StackTrace.FrameCount property value.
The System.Diagnostics.StackFrame array elements are in reverse chronological order. The System.Diagnostics.StackFrame at array index 0 represents the most recent function call in the stack trace and the last frame pushed onto the call stack. The System.Diagnostics.StackFrame at array index StackTrace.FrameCount minus 1 represents the oldest function call in the stack trace and the first frame pushed onto the call stack.
Use the StackTrace.GetFrames method to obtain all stack frames in a stack trace; use the StackTrace.GetFrame(int) method to obtain a specific stack frame in a stack trace. The System.Diagnostics.StackFrame indexes are ordered alike by the two methods. For example, the System.Diagnostics.StackFrame at index 0 in the array returned by StackTrace.GetFrames is equivalent to the System.Diagnostics.StackFrame returned by StackTrace.GetFrame(int) with an input index of 0.