Android.Hardware.Usb.UsbAccessory Class
A class representing a USB accessory, which is an external hardware component that communicates with an android application over USB.

See Also: UsbAccessory Members


[Android.Runtime.Register("android/hardware/usb/UsbAccessory", DoNotGenerateAcw=true)]
public class UsbAccessory : Java.Lang.Object, Android.OS.IParcelable, IDisposable


A class representing a USB accessory, which is an external hardware component that communicates with an android application over USB. The accessory is the USB host and android the device side of the USB connection.

When the accessory connects, it reports its manufacturer and model names, the version of the accessory, and a user visible description of the accessory to the device. The manufacturer, model and version strings are used by the USB Manager to choose an appropriate application for the accessory. The accessory may optionally provide a unique serial number and a URL to for the accessory's website to the device as well.

An instance of this class is sent to the application via the UsbManager.ActionUsbAccessoryAttached Intent. The application can then call UsbManager.OpenAccessory(UsbAccessory) to open a file descriptor for reading and writing data to and from the accessory.

Developer Guides

For more information about communicating with USB hardware, read the USB developer guide.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Hardware.Usb
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 12