Java.Text.AttributedString: Method Members

The methods of Java.Text.AttributedString are listed below. For a list of all members, see the AttributedString Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Methods

AddAttribute(AttributedCharacterIteratorAttribute, Java.Lang.Object)
Applies a given attribute to this string.
AddAttribute(AttributedCharacterIteratorAttribute, Java.Lang.Object, int, int)
Applies a given attribute to the given range of this string.
AddAttributes(IDictionary<AttributedCharacterIteratorAttribute, object>, int, int)
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GetIterator(AttributedCharacterIteratorAttribute[]) : IAttributedCharacterIterator
Returns an AttributedCharacterIterator that gives access to the complete content of this attributed string.
GetIterator(AttributedCharacterIteratorAttribute[], int, int) : IAttributedCharacterIterator
Returns an AttributedCharacterIterator that gives access to the contents of this attributed string starting at index start up to index end.