UIKit.UIKeyCommand Members

The members of UIKit.UIKeyCommand are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Foundation.NSObject

Public Constructors

Default constructor, initializes a new instance of this class.
A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.

Protected Constructors

Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.
A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime.

Public Properties

ClassHandleIntPtr. The handle for this class.
DownArrowFoundation.NSString. Represents the value associated with the constant UIKeyInputDownArrow
EscapeFoundation.NSString. Represents the value associated with the constant UIKeyInputEscape
InputFoundation.NSString. The string of characters that must be pressed to match this key command. Read-only.
LeftArrowFoundation.NSString. Represents the value associated with the constant UIKeyInputLeftArrow
ModifierFlagsUIKeyModifierFlags. A bitmask of modifier flags that must be pressed to match this key command. Read-only.
RightArrowFoundation.NSString. Represents the value associated with the constant UIKeyInputRightArrow
UpArrowFoundation.NSString. Represents the value associated with the constant UIKeyInputUpArrow

Public Methods

Copy(Foundation.NSZone) : Foundation.NSObject
Performs a copy of the underlying Objective-C object.
Create(Foundation.NSString, UIKeyModifierFlags, ObjCRuntime.Selector) : UIKeyCommand
Factory method that creates a UIKeyCommand.
Encodes the state of the object on the provided encoder

Protected Methods

Releases the resources used by the UIKeyCommand object.