The members of System.Web.HttpRuntime are listed below.
See Also: Inherited members from System.Object
Initializes a new instance of the System.Web.HttpRuntime class. |
[read-only] static | AppDomainAppId | string.
Gets the application identification of the application domain where the System.Web.HttpRuntime exists. |
[read-only] static | AppDomainAppPath | string.
Gets the physical drive path of the application directory for the application hosted in the current application domain. |
[read-only] static | AppDomainAppVirtualPath | string.
Gets the virtual path of the directory that contains the application hosted in the current application domain. |
[read-only] static | AppDomainId | string.
Gets the domain identification of the application domain where the System.Web.HttpRuntime instance exists. |
[read-only] static | AspInstallDirectory | string.
Gets the physical path of the directory where the ASP.NET executable files are installed. |
[read-only] static | BinDirectory | string.
Gets the physical path to the /bin directory for the current application. |
[read-only] static | Cache | System.Web.Caching.Cache.
Gets the System.Web.Caching.Cache for the current application. |
[read-only] static | ClrInstallDirectory | string.
Gets the physical path to the directory where the common language runtime executable files are installed. |
[read-only] static | CodegenDir | string.
Gets the physical path to the directory where ASP.NET stores temporary files (generated sources, compiled assemblies, and so on) for the current application. |
[read-only] static | IsOnUNCShare | bool.
Gets a value that indicates whether the application is mapped to a universal naming convention (UNC) share. |
[read-only] static | MachineConfigurationDirectory | string.
Gets the physical path to the directory where the Machine.config file for the current application is located. |
static | Close()
| |
static | ProcessRequest(HttpWorkerRequest)
| |
static | UnloadAppDomain()