Java.Net.HttpStatus Enumeration
Enumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the Java.Net.HttpRetryException..ctor, and Java.Net.HttpRetryException..ctor members.


public enum HttpStatus


Enumerates values returned by the following: and taken as a parameter of the Java.Net.HttpRetryException..ctor, and Java.Net.HttpRetryException..ctor members.


Member NameDescription
AcceptedNumeric status code, 202: Accepted
BadGatewayNumeric status code, 502: Bad Gateway
BadMethodNumeric status code, 405: Bad Method
BadRequestNumeric status code, 400: Bad Request
ClientTimeoutNumeric status code, 408: Client Timeout
ConflictNumeric status code, 409: Conflict
CreatedNumeric status code, 201: Created
EntityTooLargeNumeric status code, 413: Entity too large
ForbiddenNumeric status code, 403: Forbidden
GatewayTimeoutNumeric status code, 504: Gateway timeout
GoneNumeric status code, 410: Gone
InternalErrorNumeric status code, 500: Internal error
LengthRequiredNumeric status code, 411: Length required
MovedPermNumeric status code, 301 Moved permanently
MovedTempNumeric status code, 302: Moved temporarily
MultChoiceNumeric status code, 300: Multiple choices
NoContentNumeric status code, 204: No content
NotAcceptableNumeric status code, 406: Not acceptable
NotAuthoritativeNumeric status code, 203: Not authoritative
NotFoundNumeric status code, 404: Not found
NotImplementedNumeric status code, 501: Not implemented
NotModifiedNumeric status code, 304: Not modified
OkNumeric status code, 200: OK
PartialNumeric status code, 206: Partial
PaymentRequiredNumeric status code, 402: Payment required
PreconFailedNumeric status code, 412: Precondition failed
ProxyAuthNumeric status code, 407: Proxy authentication required
ReqTooLongNumeric status code, 414: Request too long
ResetNumeric status code, 205: Reset
SeeOtherNumeric status code, 303: See other
ServerErrorNumeric status code, 500: Internal error
UnauthorizedNumeric status code, 401: Unauthorized
UnavailableNumeric status code, 503: Unavailable
UnsupportedTypeNumeric status code, 415: Unsupported type

Like Firefox and Chrome, this class doesn't honor this response code. Other implementations respond to this status code by retrying the request using the HTTP proxy named by the response's Location header field.

VersionNumeric status code, 505: Version not supported


Namespace: Java.Net
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: