Android.Bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.ActionConnectionStateChanged Field
Intent used to broadcast the change in connection state of the local Bluetooth adapter to a profile of the remote device.


public const string ActionConnectionStateChanged


Intent used to broadcast the change in connection state of the local Bluetooth adapter to a profile of the remote device. When the adapter is not connected to any profiles of any remote devices and it attempts a connection to a profile this intent will sent. Once connected, this intent will not be sent for any more connection attempts to any profiles of any remote device. When the adapter disconnects from the last profile its connected to of any remote device, this intent will be sent.

This intent is useful for applications that are only concerned about whether the local adapter is connected to any profile of any device and are not really concerned about which profile. For example, an application which displays an icon to display whether Bluetooth is connected or not can use this intent.

This intent will have 3 extras: BluetoothAdapter.ExtraConnectionState - The current connection state. BluetoothAdapter.ExtraPreviousConnectionState- The previous connection state. BluetoothDevice.ExtraDevice - The remote device. BluetoothAdapter.ExtraConnectionState or BluetoothAdapter.ExtraPreviousConnectionState can be any of BluetoothAdapter.STATE_DISCONNECTED, BluetoothAdapter.STATE_CONNECTING, BluetoothAdapter.STATE_CONNECTED, BluetoothAdapter.STATE_DISCONNECTING.

Requires NoType:android/Manifest$permission;Href=../../../reference/android/Manifest.permission.html#BLUETOOTH to receive.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Bluetooth
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 11