The methods of Android.OS.StrictMode are listed below. For a list of all members, see the StrictMode Members list.
See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object
static | AllowThreadDiskReads()A convenience wrapper that takes the current NoType:android/os/StrictMode$ThreadPolicy;Href=../../../reference/android/os/StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.html from StrictMode.GetThreadPolicy, modifies it to permit disk reads, and sets the new policy with StrictMode.SetThreadPolicy(.ThreadPolicy), returning the old policy so you can restore it at the end of a block. | |
static | AllowThreadDiskWrites()A convenience wrapper that takes the current NoType:android/os/StrictMode$ThreadPolicy;Href=../../../reference/android/os/StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.html from StrictMode.GetThreadPolicy, modifies it to permit both disk reads & writes, and sets the new policy with StrictMode.SetThreadPolicy(.ThreadPolicy), returning the old policy so you can restore it at the end of a block. | |
static | EnableDefaults()Enable the recommended StrictMode defaults, with violations just being logged. | |
static | GetThreadPolicy()Returns the current thread's policy. | |
static | GetVmPolicy()Gets the current VM policy. | |
static | NoteSlowCall(string)For code to note that it's slow. | |
static | SetThreadPolicy(StrictMode.ThreadPolicy)Sets the policy for what actions on the current thread should be detected, as well as the penalty if such actions occur. | |
static | SetVmPolicy(StrictMode.VmPolicy)Sets the policy for what actions in the VM process (on any thread) should be detected, as well as the penalty if such actions occur. |