Compiles a string representing an XPath expression and returns an System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression object.
An System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression object representing the XPath expression.
An XPath expression is evaluated to yield one of the following return types:
Node Set: an unordered collection of nodes without duplicates
Boolean: true or false
Number: a floating-point number
String: a sequence of UCS characters
Expressions that return a node set can be used in the XPathNavigator.Select(XPathExpression) and XPathNavigator.Evaluate(XPathExpression) methods. Expressions that return a Boolean, number, or string can be used in the XPathNavigator.Evaluate(XPathExpression) method. The rules on valid expressions for the XPathNavigator.Matches(XPathExpression) method are specific to that method.