Android.Media.MediaMetadataEditor Members

The members of Android.Media.MediaMetadataEditor are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Protected Constructors

A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the runtime.

Public Fields

BitmapKeyArtworkMediaMetadataEditKey (100). The metadata key for the content artwork / album art.
RatingKeyByOthersMediaMetadataEditKey (101). The metadata key for the content's average rating, not the user's rating.
RatingKeyByUserMediaMetadataEditKey (268435457). The metadata key for the content's user rating.

Protected Properties

ThresholdClassIntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ThresholdTypeType. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public Methods

Flags the given key as being editable.
Applies all of the metadata changes that have been set since the MediaMetadataEditor instance was created or since MediaMetadataEditor.Clear was called.
Clears all the pending metadata changes set since the MediaMetadataEditor instance was created or since this method was last called.
GetBitmap(MediaMetadataEditKey, Android.Graphics.Bitmap) : Android.Graphics.Bitmap
Returns the Android.Graphics.Bitmap value for the key.
GetEditableKeys() : MediaMetadataEditKey[]
Retrieves the keys flagged as editable.
GetLong(MediaMetadataEditKey, long) : long
Returns the long value for the key.
GetObject(MediaMetadataEditKey, Java.Lang.Object) : Java.Lang.Object
Returns an object representation of the value for the key
GetString(MediaMetadataEditKey, string) : string
Returns the Java.Lang.String value for the key.
PutBitmap(MediaMetadataEditKey, Android.Graphics.Bitmap) : MediaMetadataEditor
Adds image.
PutLong(MediaMetadataEditKey, long) : MediaMetadataEditor
Adds numerical information.
PutObject(MediaMetadataEditKey, Java.Lang.Object) : MediaMetadataEditor
Adds information stored as an instance.
PutString(MediaMetadataEditKey, string) : MediaMetadataEditor
Adds textual information.
Causes all metadata fields to be read-only.