Android.Speech.Tts.TextToSpeech Members

The members of Android.Speech.Tts.TextToSpeech are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Constructors

The constructor for the TextToSpeech class, using the default TTS engine.
The constructor for the TextToSpeech class, using the given TTS engine.

Protected Constructors

A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the runtime.

Public Fields

ActionTtsQueueProcessingCompletedstring. Broadcast Action: The TextToSpeech synthesizer has completed processing of all the text in the speech queue.

Public Properties

AvailableLanguagesICollection<Java.Util.Locale>. Query the engine about the set of available languages.
DefaultEnginestring. Gets the package name of the default speech synthesis engine.
DefaultLanguageJava.Util.Locale. Returns a Locale instance describing the language currently being used as the default Text-to-speech language.
DefaultVoiceVoice. Returns a Voice instance that's the default voice for the default Text-to-speech language.
EnginesIList<TextToSpeech.EngineInfo>. Gets a list of all installed TTS engines.
IsSpeakingbool. Checks whether the TTS engine is busy speaking.
LanguageJava.Util.Locale. Returns a Locale instance describing the language currently being used for synthesis requests sent to the TextToSpeech engine.
MaxSpeechInputLengthint. Limit of length of input string passed to speak and synthesizeToFile.
VoiceVoice. Returns a Voice instance describing the voice currently being used for synthesis requests sent to the TextToSpeech engine.
VoicesICollection<Voice>. Query the engine about the set of available voices.

Protected Properties

ThresholdClassIntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ThresholdTypeType. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public Methods

AddEarcon(string, Java.IO.File) : OperationResult
Adds a mapping between a string of text and a sound file.
AddEarcon(string, string) : OperationResult
Adds a mapping between a string of text and a sound file.
AddEarcon(string, string, int) : OperationResult
Adds a mapping between a string of text and a sound resource in a package.
AddSpeech(Java.Lang.ICharSequence, Java.IO.File) : OperationResult
Adds a mapping between a CharSequence (may be spanned with TtsSpans and a sound file.
AddSpeech(string, Java.IO.File) : OperationResult
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AddSpeech(string, string) : OperationResult
Adds a mapping between a string of text and a sound file.
AddSpeech(Java.Lang.ICharSequence, string, int) : OperationResult
Adds a mapping between a CharSequence (may be spanned with TtsSpans) of text and a sound resource in a package.
AddSpeech(string, string, int) : OperationResult
Adds a mapping between a string of text and a sound resource in a package.
AreDefaultsEnforced() : bool
Checks whether the user's settings should override settings requested by the calling application.
GetFeatures(Java.Util.Locale) : ICollection<string>
Queries the engine for the set of features it supports for a given locale.
IsLanguageAvailable(Java.Util.Locale) : LanguageAvailableResult
Checks if the specified language as represented by the Locale is available and supported.
PlayEarcon(string, QueueMode, IDictionary<string, string>) : OperationResult
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PlayEarcon(string, QueueMode, Android.OS.Bundle, string) : OperationResult
Plays the earcon using the specified queueing mode and parameters.
PlaySilence(long, QueueMode, IDictionary<string, string>) : OperationResult
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PlaySilentUtterance(long, QueueMode, string) : OperationResult
Plays silence for the specified amount of time using the specified queue mode.
SetAudioAttributes(Android.Media.AudioAttributes) : OperationResult
Sets the audio attributes to be used when speaking text or playing back a file.
SetEngineByPackageName(string) : OperationResult
Sets the TTS engine to use.
SetLanguage(Java.Util.Locale) : LanguageAvailableResult
Sets the text-to-speech language.
SetOnUtteranceCompletedListener(TextToSpeech.IOnUtteranceCompletedListener) : OperationResult
Sets the listener that will be notified when synthesis of an utterance completes.
SetOnUtteranceProgressListener(UtteranceProgressListener) : OperationResult
Sets the listener that will be notified of various events related to the synthesis of a given utterance.
SetPitch(float) : OperationResult
Sets the speech pitch for the TextToSpeech engine.
SetSpeechRate(float) : OperationResult
Sets the speech rate.
SetVoice(Voice) : OperationResult
Sets the text-to-speech voice.
Releases the resources used by the TextToSpeech engine.
Speak(string, QueueMode, IDictionary<string, string>) : OperationResult
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Speak(Java.Lang.ICharSequence, QueueMode, Android.OS.Bundle, string) : OperationResult
Speaks the text using the specified queuing strategy and speech parameters, the text may be spanned with TtsSpans.
Speak(string, QueueMode, Android.OS.Bundle, string) : OperationResult
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Stop() : OperationResult
Interrupts the current utterance (whether played or rendered to file) and discards other utterances in the queue.
SynthesizeToFile(string, IDictionary<string, string>, string) : OperationResult
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SynthesizeToFile(Java.Lang.ICharSequence, Android.OS.Bundle, Java.IO.File, string) : OperationResult
Synthesizes the given text to a file using the specified parameters.
SynthesizeToFile(string, Android.OS.Bundle, Java.IO.File, string) : OperationResult
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