Java.Net.ServerSocket: Method Members

The methods of Java.Net.ServerSocket are listed below. For a list of all members, see the ServerSocket Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Methods

Accept() : Socket
Waits for an incoming request and blocks until the connection is opened.
AcceptAsync() : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Socket>
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Binds this server socket to the given local socket address with a maximum backlog of 50 unaccepted connections.
Bind(SocketAddress, int)
Binds this server socket to the given local socket address.
Closes this server socket and its implementation.
SetPerformancePreferences(int, int, int)
Sets performance preferences for connection time, latency and bandwidth.
Sets the server socket implementation factory of this instance.

Protected Methods

Invokes the server socket implementation to accept a connection on the given socket aSocket.
ImplAcceptAsync(Socket) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
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