Close the connection to this camera device as quickly as possible.
Immediately after this call, all calls to the camera device or active session interface will throw a Java.Lang.IllegalStateException, except for calls to close(). Once the device has fully shut down, the NoType:android/hardware/camera2/CameraDevice$StateCallback;Href=../../../../reference/android/hardware/camera2/CameraDevice.StateCallback.html#onClosed(android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice) callback will be called, and the camera is free to be re-opened.
Immediately after this call, besides the final NoType:android/hardware/camera2/CameraDevice$StateCallback;Href=../../../../reference/android/hardware/camera2/CameraDevice.StateCallback.html#onClosed(android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice) calls, no further callbacks from the device or the active session will occur, and any remaining submitted capture requests will be discarded, as if CameraCaptureSession.AbortCaptures had been called, except that no success or failure callbacks will be invoked.