Android.Provider.CalendarContract: Field Members

The fields of Android.Provider.CalendarContract are listed below. For a list of all members, see the CalendarContract Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Fields

AccountTypeLocalstring. A special account type for calendars not associated with any account.
ActionEventReminderstring. Broadcast Action: This is the intent that gets fired when an alarm notification needs to be posted for a reminder.
ActionHandleCustomEventstring. Activity Action: Display the event to the user in the custom app as specified in NoType:android/provider/CalendarContract$EventsColumns;Href=../../../reference/android/provider/CalendarContract.EventsColumns.html#CUSTOM_APP_PACKAGE.
Authoritystring. This authority is used for writing to or querying from the calendar provider.
CallerIsSyncadapterstring. An optional insert, update or delete URI parameter that allows the caller to specify that it is a sync adapter.
ExtraCustomAppUristring. Intent Extras key: NoType:android/provider/CalendarContract$EventsColumns;Href=../../../reference/android/provider/CalendarContract.EventsColumns.html#CUSTOM_APP_URI for the event in the CalendarContract.ActionHandleCustomEvent intent
ExtraEventAllDaystring. Intent Extras key: When creating an event, set this to true to create an all-day event by default
ExtraEventBeginTimestring. Intent Extras key: The start time of an event or an instance of a recurring event. (milliseconds since epoch)
ExtraEventEndTimestring. Intent Extras key: The end time of an event or an instance of a recurring event. (milliseconds since epoch)