Android.Media.ExifInterface: Method Members

The methods of Android.Media.ExifInterface are listed below. For a list of all members, see the ExifInterface Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Methods

GetAltitude(double) : double
Return the altitude in meters.
GetAttribute(string) : string
Returns the value of the specified tag or null if there is no such tag in the JPEG file.
GetAttributeDouble(string, double) : double
Returns the double value of the specified rational tag.
GetAttributeInt(string, int) : int
Returns the integer value of the specified tag.
GetLatLong(float[]) : bool
Stores the latitude and longitude value in a float array.
GetThumbnail() : byte[]
Returns the thumbnail inside the JPEG file, or null if there is no thumbnail.
Save the tag data into the JPEG file.
SetAttribute(string, string)
Set the value of the specified tag.