MonoMac.Foundation.NSUrl: Method Members

The methods of MonoMac.Foundation.NSUrl are listed below. For a list of all members, see the NSUrl Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from MonoMac.Foundation.NSObject

Public Methods

Append(string, bool) : NSUrl
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CreateBookmarkData(NSUrlBookmarkCreationOptions, string[], NSUrl, out NSError) : NSData
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Equals(object) : bool
Returns true if the two objects represent the same URL.
FromBookmarkData(NSData, NSUrlBookmarkResolutionOptions, NSUrl, bool, out NSError) : NSUrl
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FromFilename(string) : NSUrl
Creates an NSUrl from a filename.
FromPasteboard(MonoMac.AppKit.NSPasteboard) : NSUrl
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FromString(string) : NSUrl
Creates a Url from the given strings.
GetBookmarkData(NSUrl, out NSError) : NSData
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GetHashCode() : int
Generates a hash code for the current instance.
GetResourceValues(NSString[], out NSError) : NSDictionary
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IsEqual(NSUrl) : bool
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MakeRelative(string) : NSUrl
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SetResource(string, NSObject) : bool
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SetResource(string, NSObject, out NSError) : bool
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StartAccessingSecurityScopedResource() : bool
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StopAccessingSecurityScopedResource() : bool
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ToString() : string
Returns a string representation of the value of the current instance.
TryGetResource(string, out NSObject) : bool
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TryGetResource(string, out NSObject, out NSError) : bool
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WriteBookmarkData(NSData, NSUrl, NSUrlBookmarkCreationOptions, out NSError) : bool
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Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.

Protected Methods

Releases the resourced used by the NSUrl object.