System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim: Method Members

The methods of System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim are listed below. For a list of all members, see the ManualResetEventSlim Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from System.Object

Public Methods


Releases all resources used by the current instance of the System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim class.


Sets the state of the event to nonsignaled, which causes threads to block.


Sets the state of the event to signaled, which allows one or more threads waiting on the event to proceed.


Blocks the current thread until the current System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim is set.

Wait(int) : bool

Blocks the current thread until the current System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim is set, using a 32-bit signed integer to measure the time interval.


Blocks the current thread until the current System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim receives a signal, while observing a System.Threading.CancellationToken.

Wait(TimeSpan) : bool

Blocks the current thread until the current System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim is set, using a TimeSpan to measure the time interval.

Wait(int, CancellationToken) : bool

Blocks the current thread until the current System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim is set, using a 32-bit signed integer to measure the time interval, while observing a System.Threading.CancellationToken.

Wait(TimeSpan, CancellationToken) : bool

Blocks the current thread until the current System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim is set, using a TimeSpan to measure the time interval, while observing a System.Threading.CancellationToken.

Protected Methods


Releases the unmanaged resources used by the System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim, and optionally releases the managed resources.