Gets a collection of names, representing the list of System.Web.UI.DataSourceView objects associated with the System.Web.UI.DataSourceControl control.
An ICollection that contains the names of the System.Web.UI.DataSourceView objects associated with the System.Web.UI.DataSourceControl.
The ICollection collection of names is the allowable set of values that can be passed to the DataSourceControl.GetView(string) method.
The System.Web.UI.ListSourceHelper class, which is used for the System.Web.UI.DataSourceControl class's System.ComponentModel.IListSource implementation, checks the DataSourceControl.GetViewNames method for both the DataSourceControl.System#ComponentModel#IListSource#ContainsListCollection and DataSourceControl.System#ComponentModel#IListSource#GetList calls to determine whether the data source control is associated with one or more data source views. If DataSourceControl.GetViewNames returns null, which is the default implementation of the method, DataSourceControl.System#ComponentModel#IListSource#ContainsListCollection returns false and DataSourceControl.System#ComponentModel#IListSource#GetList returns null.
The System.Web.UI.DataSourceControl class's default implementation returns null. If you extend the System.Web.UI.DataSourceControl class, override the DataSourceControl.GetViewNames method to return a collection of view names.