The members of Android.Widget.Toolbar are listed below.
See Also: Inherited members from Android.Views.ViewGroup
Public Constructors
Protected Constructors
| | A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the runtime. |
Public Properties
Protected Properties
[read-only] override | ThresholdClass | IntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
[read-only] override | ThresholdType | Type. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
Public Methods
| CollapseActionView()Collapse a currently expanded action view. |
| DismissPopupMenus()Dismiss all currently showing popup menus, including overflow or submenus. |
| HideOverflowMenu() : boolHide the overflow items from the associated menu. |
| InflateMenu(int)Inflate a menu resource into this toolbar. |
| SetContentInsetsAbsolute(int, int)Set the content insets for this toolbar. |
| SetContentInsetsRelative(int, int)Set the content insets for this toolbar relative to layout direction. |
| SetLogo(int)Set a logo drawable from a resource id. |
| SetLogoDescription(int)Set a description of the toolbar's logo. |
| SetNavigationContentDescription(int)Set a content description for the navigation button if one is present. |
| SetNavigationIcon(int)Set the icon to use for the toolbar's navigation button. |
| SetNavigationOnClickListener(Android.Views.View.IOnClickListener)Set a listener to respond to navigation events. |
| SetOnMenuItemClickListener(Toolbar.IOnMenuItemClickListener)Set a listener to respond to menu item click events. |
| SetSubtitle(int)Set the subtitle of this toolbar. |
| SetSubtitleTextAppearance(Android.Content.Context, int)Sets the text color, size, style, hint color, and highlight color
from the specified TextAppearance resource. |
| SetSubtitleTextColor(Android.Graphics.Color)Sets the text color of the subtitle, if present. |
| SetTitle(int)Set the title of this toolbar. |
| SetTitleTextAppearance(Android.Content.Context, int)Sets the text color, size, style, hint color, and highlight color
from the specified TextAppearance resource. |
| SetTitleTextColor(Android.Graphics.Color)Sets the text color of the title, if present. |
| ShowOverflowMenu() : boolShow the overflow items from the associated menu. |
Protected Methods
override | OnLayout(bool, int, int, int, int)Called from layout when this view should
assign a size and position to each of its children. |
Public Events