Android.Drm.DrmErrorEventType Enumeration
Enumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the Android.Drm.DrmErrorEvent..ctor, and Android.Drm.DrmErrorEvent..ctor members.


public enum DrmErrorEventType


Enumerates values returned by the following: and taken as a parameter of the Android.Drm.DrmErrorEvent..ctor, and Android.Drm.DrmErrorEvent..ctor members.


Member NameDescription
AcquireDrmInfoFailedFailed to acquire Android.Drm.DrmInfo. This error event is sent when an DrmManagerClient.AcquireDrmInfo(DrmInfoRequest) call fails.
NoInternetConnectionAn Internet connection is not available and no attempt can be made to renew rights.
NotSupportedResponse from the server cannot be handled by the DRM plug-in (agent).
OutOfMemoryMemory allocation failed during renewal. Can in the future perhaps be used to trigger garbage collector.
ProcessDrmInfoFailedFailed to process Android.Drm.DrmInfo. This error event is sent when a DrmManagerClient.ProcessDrmInfo(DrmInfo) call fails.
RemoveAllRightsFailedFailed to remove all the rights objects associated with all DRM schemes.
RightsNotInstalledSomething went wrong installing the rights.
RightsRenewalNotAllowedThe server rejected the renewal of rights.


Namespace: Android.Drm
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: