This interface represents an SQL Ref - a data object containing a cursor or pointer to a result table.

See Also: IRef Members


[Android.Runtime.Register("java/sql/Ref", "", "Java.Sql.IRefInvoker")]
public interface IRef : Android.Runtime.IJavaObject, IDisposable


This interface represents an SQL Ref - a data object containing a cursor or pointer to a result table.

The data structure identified by an instance of Ref is held in the database, so the data is not necessarily read and converted into a Java object until getObject is called. However, if the database supports the Ref type, it is not typically necessary to get the underlying object before using it in a method call - the Ref object can be used in place of the data structure.

A Ref object is stored into the database using the IPreparedStatement.SetRef(int, Java.Sql.IRef) method.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Java.Sql
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 1