Sets the specified bounds of the System.Windows.Forms.TextBoxBase control.
- x
- The new Control.Left property value of the control.
- y
- The new Control.Top property value of the control.
- width
- The new Control.Width property value of the control.
- height
- Not used.
- specified
- A bitwise combination of the System.Windows.Forms.BoundsSpecified values.
The System.Windows.Forms.TextBoxBase control uses the TextBoxBase.PreferredHeight property to set the bounds if the TextBoxBase.AutoSize property is true and the TextBoxBase.Multiline property is false.
Typically, the parameters that correspond to the bounds not included in the specified parameter are passed in with their current values. For example, the Control.Height, Control.Width, or the System.Drawing.Point.X or System.Drawing.Point.Y properties of the Control.Location property can be passed in with a reference to the current instance of the control. However all values passed in are honored and applied to the control.
The specified parameter represents the elements of the controls Control.Bounds changed by your application. For example, if you change the Control.Size of the control, the specified parameter value is the Size value of System.Windows.Forms.BoundsSpecified. However, if the Control.Size is adjusted in response to the Control.Dock property being set, the specified parameter value is the None value of System.Windows.Forms.BoundsSpecified.