Android.Text.Style.SpanAlign Enumeration
Enumerates values returned by the DynamicDrawableSpan.VerticalAlignment, SpanAlign.Baseline, and SpanAlign.Bottom members and taken as a parameter of several methods of Android.Text.Style.ImageSpan.


public enum SpanAlign


Enumerates values returned by the DynamicDrawableSpan.VerticalAlignment, SpanAlign.Baseline, and SpanAlign.Bottom members and taken as a parameter of the following: .


Member NameDescription
BaselineA constant indicating that the bottom of this span should be aligned with the baseline of the surrounding text.
BottomA constant indicating that the bottom of this span should be aligned with the bottom of the surrounding text, i.e., at the same level as the lowest descender in the text.


Namespace: Android.Text.Style
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: