Android.Provider.QuickContactMode Enumeration
Enumerates values returned by the QuickContactMode.Large, QuickContactMode.Medium, and QuickContactMode.Small members and taken as a parameter of the ContactsContract.QuickContact.ShowQuickContact, and ContactsContract.QuickContact.ShowQuickContact members.


public enum QuickContactMode


Enumerates values returned by the QuickContactMode.Large, QuickContactMode.Medium, and QuickContactMode.Small members and taken as a parameter of the ContactsContract.QuickContact.ShowQuickContact, and ContactsContract.QuickContact.ShowQuickContact members.


Member NameDescription
LargeLarge QuickContact mode, includes actions and larger, card-like summary of the Android.Provider.Contacts entry being shown. This may include detailed information, such as a photo.
MediumMedium QuickContact mode, includes actions and light summary describing the Android.Provider.Contacts entry being shown. This may include social status and presence details.
SmallSmall QuickContact mode, usually presented with minimal actions.


Namespace: Android.Provider
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: