Android.Net.Wifi.WifiManager.SetTdlsEnabled Method
Enable/Disable TDLS on a specific local route.


[Android.Runtime.Register("setTdlsEnabled", "(Ljava/net/InetAddress;Z)V", "GetSetTdlsEnabled_Ljava_net_InetAddress_ZHandler")]
public virtual void SetTdlsEnabled (Java.Net.InetAddress remoteIPAddress, bool enable)


IP address of the endpoint to setup TDLS with
true = setup and false = tear down TDLS


Enable/Disable TDLS on a specific local route.

TDLS enables two wireless endpoints to talk to each other directly without going through the access point that is managing the local network. It saves bandwidth and improves quality of the link.

This API enables/disables the option of using TDLS. If enabled, the underlying hardware is free to use TDLS or a hop through the access point. If disabled, existing TDLS session is torn down and hardware is restricted to use access point for transferring wireless packets. Default value for all routes is 'disabled', meaning restricted to use access point for transferring packets.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Net.Wifi
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 1