See Also: PropertyDescriptor Members
A description of a property consists of a name, its attributes, the component class that the property is associated with, and the type of the property.
System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor provides the following properties and methods:
PropertyDescriptor.Converter contains the System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter for this property.
PropertyDescriptor.IsLocalizable indicates whether this property should be localized.
PropertyDescriptor.GetEditor(Type) returns an editor of the specified type.
System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor also provides the following abstract properties and methods:
PropertyDescriptor.ComponentType contains the type of component this property is bound to.
PropertyDescriptor.IsReadOnly indicates whether this property is read-only.
PropertyDescriptor.PropertyType gets the type of the property.
PropertyDescriptor.CanResetValue(object) indicates whether resetting the component changes the value of the component.
PropertyDescriptor.GetValue(object) returns the current value of the property on a component.
PropertyDescriptor.ResetValue(object) resets the value for this property of the component.
PropertyDescriptor.SetValue(object, object) sets the value of the component to a different value.
PropertyDescriptor.ShouldSerializeValue(object) indicates whether the value of this property needs to be persisted.
Typically, the abstract members are implemented through reflection. For more information about reflection, see the topics in Reflection.