Android.Appwidget.AppWidgetManager Members

The members of Android.Appwidget.AppWidgetManager are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Protected Constructors

A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the runtime.

Public Fields

ActionAppwidgetBindstring. Activity action to launch from your Android.Appwidget.AppWidgetHost activity when you want to bind an AppWidget to display and bindAppWidgetIdIfAllowed returns false.
ActionAppwidgetConfigurestring. Sent when it is time to configure your AppWidget while it is being added to a host.
ActionAppwidgetDeletedstring. Sent when an instance of an AppWidget is deleted from its host.
ActionAppwidgetDisabledstring. Sent when the last AppWidget of this provider is removed from the last host.
ActionAppwidgetEnabledstring. Sent when an instance of an AppWidget is added to a host for the first time.
ActionAppwidgetHostRestoredstring. Sent to widget hosts after AppWidget state related to the host has been restored from backup.
ActionAppwidgetOptionsChangedstring. Sent when the custom extras for an AppWidget change.
ActionAppwidgetPickstring. Activity action to launch from your Android.Appwidget.AppWidgetHost activity when you want to pick an AppWidget to display.
ActionAppwidgetRestoredstring. Sent to an Android.Appwidget.AppWidgetProvider after AppWidget state related to that provider has been restored from backup.
ActionAppwidgetUpdatestring. Sent when it is time to update your AppWidget.
ExtraAppwidgetIdstring. An intent extra that contains one appWidgetId.
ExtraAppwidgetIdsstring. An intent extra that contains multiple appWidgetIds.
ExtraAppwidgetOldIdsstring. An intent extra that contains multiple appWidgetIds.
ExtraAppwidgetOptionsstring. An intent extra which points to a bundle of extra information for a particular widget id.
ExtraAppwidgetProviderstring. An intent extra that contains the component name of a AppWidget provider.
ExtraAppwidgetProviderProfilestring. An intent extra that contains the user handle of the profile under which an AppWidget provider is registered.
ExtraCustomExtrasstring. An intent extra to pass to the AppWidget picker containing a Java.Util.IList of Android.OS.Bundle objects to mix in to the list of AppWidgets that are installed.
ExtraCustomInfostring. An intent extra to pass to the AppWidget picker containing a Java.Util.IList of Android.Appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo objects to mix in to the list of AppWidgets that are installed.
ExtraHostIdstring. An intent extra attached to the AppWidgetManager.ActionAppwidgetHostRestored broadcast, indicating the integer ID of the host whose widgets have just been restored.
InvalidAppwidgetIdint (0). A sentinel value that the AppWidget manager will never return as a appWidgetId.
MetaDataAppwidgetProviderstring. Field for the manifest meta-data tag.
OptionAppwidgetHostCategorystring. A bundle extra that hints to the AppWidgetProvider the category of host that owns this this widget.
OptionAppwidgetMaxHeightstring. A bundle extra that contains the upper bound on the current width, in dips, of a widget instance.
OptionAppwidgetMaxWidthstring. A bundle extra that contains the upper bound on the current width, in dips, of a widget instance.
OptionAppwidgetMinHeightstring. A bundle extra that contains the lower bound on the current height, in dips, of a widget instance.
OptionAppwidgetMinWidthstring. A bundle extra that contains the lower bound on the current width, in dips, of a widget instance.

Public Properties

InstalledProvidersIList<AppWidgetProviderInfo>. Return a list of the AppWidget providers that are currently installed.

Protected Properties

ThresholdClassIntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ThresholdTypeType. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public Methods

BindAppWidgetId(int, Android.Content.ComponentName)
Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
BindAppWidgetIdIfAllowed(int, Android.Content.ComponentName) : bool
Set the component for a given appWidgetId.
BindAppWidgetIdIfAllowed(int, Android.Content.ComponentName, Android.OS.Bundle) : bool
Set the component for a given appWidgetId.
BindAppWidgetIdIfAllowed(int, Android.OS.UserHandle, Android.Content.ComponentName, Android.OS.Bundle) : bool
Set the provider for a given appWidgetId if the caller has a permission.
GetAppWidgetIds(Android.Content.ComponentName) : int[]
Get the list of appWidgetIds that have been bound to the given AppWidget provider.
GetAppWidgetInfo(int) : AppWidgetProviderInfo
Get the available info about the AppWidget.
GetAppWidgetOptions(int) : Android.OS.Bundle
Get the extras associated with a given widget instance.
GetInstalledProvidersForProfile(Android.OS.UserHandle) : IList<AppWidgetProviderInfo>
Gets the AppWidget providers for the given user profile.
GetInstance(Android.Content.Context) : AppWidgetManager
Get the AppWidgetManager instance to use for the supplied Android.Content.Context object.
NotifyAppWidgetViewDataChanged(int, int)
Notifies the specified collection view in the specified AppWidget instance to invalidate its data.
NotifyAppWidgetViewDataChanged(int[], int)
Notifies the specified collection view in all the specified AppWidget instances to invalidate their data.
PartiallyUpdateAppWidget(int, Android.Widget.RemoteViews)
Perform an incremental update or command on the widget specified by appWidgetId.
PartiallyUpdateAppWidget(int[], Android.Widget.RemoteViews)
Perform an incremental update or command on the widget(s) specified by appWidgetIds.
UpdateAppWidget(Android.Content.ComponentName, Android.Widget.RemoteViews)
Set the RemoteViews to use for all AppWidget instances for the supplied AppWidget provider.
UpdateAppWidget(int, Android.Widget.RemoteViews)
Set the RemoteViews to use for the specified appWidgetId.
UpdateAppWidget(int[], Android.Widget.RemoteViews)
Set the RemoteViews to use for the specified appWidgetIds.
UpdateAppWidgetOptions(int, Android.OS.Bundle)
Update the extras for a given widget instance.