Searches the specified component for fields that implement the System.ComponentModel.IComponent interface and adds each to the specified container, storing the inheritance level of each which can be retrieved using the IInheritanceService.GetInheritanceAttribute(System.ComponentModel.IComponent) method.
- component
- The System.ComponentModel.IComponent to search. Searching begins with this component.
- container
- The System.ComponentModel.IContainer to add components to.
This method searches the specified component for any fields that implement the System.ComponentModel.IComponent, adds each to the specified container, and stores an System.ComponentModel.InheritanceAttribute for each. The System.ComponentModel.InheritanceAttribute for a component indicates whether the field is inherited from a base class and can be retrieved using the IInheritanceService.GetInheritanceAttribute(System.ComponentModel.IComponent) method.