| GetBounds() : System.Drawing.Rectangle
Retrieves the coordinates of the rectangle representing the boundaries for the control as displayed on the design surface.
| GetDesignTimeHtml() : string
Retrieves the HTML markup that is used to represent the control at design time.
| GetDesignTimeHtml(DesignerRegionCollection) : string
Retrieves the HTML markup to display the control and populates the collection with the current control designer regions.
static | GetDesignTimeResourceProviderFactory(IServiceProvider) : DesignTimeResourceProviderFactory
Returns an appropriate resource provider factory, depending on the globalization settings in the configuration file for the site.
| GetEditableDesignerRegionContent(EditableDesignerRegion) : string
Returns the content for an editable region of the design-time view of the associated control.
| GetPersistenceContent() : string
Retrieves the persistable inner HTML markup of the control at design time.
| GetPersistInnerHtml() : string
Retrieves the persistable inner HTML markup of the control.
| GetViewRendering() : ViewRendering
Retrieves an object that contains the design-time markup for the content and regions of the associated control.
static | GetViewRendering(System.Web.UI.Control) : ViewRendering
Retrieves an object that contains the design-time markup for the content and regions of the specified control.
static | GetViewRendering(ControlDesigner) : ViewRendering
Retrieves an object that contains the design-time markup for the content and regions of the associated control for the specified control designer.
override | Initialize(System.ComponentModel.IComponent)
Initializes the control designer and loads the specified component.
| Invalidate()
Invalidates the whole area of the control that is displayed on the design surface and signals the control designer to redraw the control.
| Invalidate(System.Drawing.Rectangle)
Invalidates the specified area of the control that is displayed on the design surface and signals the control designer to redraw the control.
static | InvokeTransactedChange(System.ComponentModel.IComponent, TransactedChangeCallback, object, string)
Wraps a series of changes into a transaction, using the specified parameters that can be rolled back as a unit with the undo functionality of the design host.
static | InvokeTransactedChange(System.ComponentModel.IComponent, TransactedChangeCallback, object, string, System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor)
Wraps a series of changes into a transaction, using the specified parameters that can be rolled back as a unit with the undo functionality of the design host.
static | InvokeTransactedChange(IServiceProvider, System.ComponentModel.IComponent, TransactedChangeCallback, object, string, System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor)
Wraps a series of changes into a transaction, using the specified parameters that can be rolled back as a unit with the undo functionality of the design host.
| IsPropertyBound(string) : bool
Retrieves a value indicating whether the specified property on the associated control is data-bound.
| Localize(IDesignTimeResourceWriter)
Uses the provided resource writer to persist the localizable properties of the associated control to a resource in the design host.
| OnAutoFormatApplied(DesignerAutoFormat)
Called when a predefined, automatic formatting scheme has been applied to the associated control.
| OnComponentChanged(object, System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangedEventArgs)
Called when the associated control changes.
| OnComponentChanging(object, System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangingEventArgs)
Represents the method that will handle the System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.ComponentChanging event for the associated control.
| RaiseResizeEvent()
Raises the ControlDesigner.OnControlResize event.
| RegisterClone(object, object)
Registers internal data in a cloned control.
| SetEditableDesignerRegionContent(EditableDesignerRegion, string)
Specifies the content for an editable region of the control at design time.
| UpdateDesignTimeHtml()
Refreshes the design-time HTML markup for the associated Web server control by calling the erload:System.Web.UI.Design.ControlDesigner.GetDesignTimeHtml method.