Android.Opengl.GLSurfaceView.PreserveEGLContextOnPause Property


[get: Android.Runtime.Register("getPreserveEGLContextOnPause", "()Z", "GetGetPreserveEGLContextOnPauseHandler")]
[set: Android.Runtime.Register("setPreserveEGLContextOnPause", "(Z)V", "GetSetPreserveEGLContextOnPause_ZHandler")]
public virtual bool PreserveEGLContextOnPause { get; set; }


Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.


Get method documentation [Android Documentation]

Set method documentation [Android Documentation]

Control whether the EGL context is preserved when the GLSurfaceView is paused and resumed. If set to true, then the EGL context may be preserved when the GLSurfaceView is paused. Whether the EGL context is actually preserved or not depends upon whether the Android device that the program is running on can support an arbitrary number of EGL contexts or not. Devices that can only support a limited number of EGL contexts must release the EGL context in order to allow multiple applications to share the GPU. If set to false, the EGL context will be released when the GLSurfaceView is paused, and recreated when the GLSurfaceView is resumed. The default is false.


Namespace: Android.Opengl
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 11