Java.Util.Calendar: Method Members

The methods of Java.Util.Calendar are listed below. For a list of all members, see the Calendar Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Methods

Add(CalendarField, int)
Adds the given amount to a Calendar field.
After(Java.Lang.Object) : bool
Returns whether the Date represented by this Calendar instance is after the Date represented by the parameter.
Before(Java.Lang.Object) : bool
Returns whether the Date represented by this Calendar instance is before the Date represented by the parameter.
Clears the values of all the time fields, marking them all unset and assigning them all a value of zero.
Clears the value in the given time field, marking it unset and assigning it a value of zero.
Clone() : Java.Lang.Object
Returns a shallow copy of this Calendar with the same properties.
CompareTo(Calendar) : int
Compares the time represented by this Calendar to that represented by the given Calendar.
Get(CalendarField) : int
Returns the value of the given field after computing the field values by calling complete() first.
GetActualMaximum(CalendarField) : int
Returns the maximum value of the given field for the current date.
GetActualMinimum(CalendarField) : int
Returns the minimum value of the given field for the current date.
GetAvailableLocales() : Locale[]
Returns an array of locales for which custom Calendar instances are available.
GetDisplayName(int, int, Locale) : string
Returns a human-readable string for the value of field using the given style and locale.
GetDisplayNames(int, int, Locale) : IDictionary<string, Java.Lang.Integer>
Returns a map of human-readable strings to corresponding values, for the given field, style, and locale.
GetGreatestMinimum(CalendarField) : int
Returns the greatest minimum value of the given field.
GetInstance(Locale) : Calendar
Constructs a new instance of the Calendar subclass appropriate for the given Locale and default TimeZone, set to the current date and time.
GetInstance(TimeZone) : Calendar
Constructs a new instance of the Calendar subclass appropriate for the default Locale and given TimeZone, set to the current date and time.
GetInstance(TimeZone, Locale) : Calendar
Constructs a new instance of the Calendar subclass appropriate for the given Locale and given TimeZone, set to the current date and time.
GetLeastMaximum(CalendarField) : int
Returns the smallest maximum value of the given field.
GetMaximum(CalendarField) : int
Returns the greatest maximum value of the given field.
GetMinimum(CalendarField) : int
Returns the smallest minimum value of the given field. this returns the smallest value that get can return for the given field.
IsSet(CalendarField) : bool
Tests whether the given field is set.
Roll(CalendarField, bool)
Increment or decrement the given field and wrap the value of the field when it goes beyond the maximum or minimum value for the current date.
Roll(CalendarField, int)
Adds the given amount to the given field and wraps the value of the field when it goes beyond the maximum or minimum value for the current date.
Set(CalendarField, int)
Sets the given field to the given value.
Set(int, int, int)
Sets the year, month, and day of the month fields.
Set(int, int, int, int, int)
Sets the year, month, day of the month, hour of day, and minute fields.
Set(int, int, int, int, int, int)
Sets the year, month, day of the month, hour of day, minute, and second fields.
SetWeekDate(int, int, int)
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Protected Methods

Computes the time from the fields if the time has not already been set.
Computes the Calendar fields from time.
Computes time from the Calendar fields.
InternalGet(int) : int
Returns the value of the given field without recomputing.