Channels that implement this interface can be asynchronously closed and interrupted.

See Also: IInterruptibleChannel Members


[Android.Runtime.Register("java/nio/channels/InterruptibleChannel", "", "Java.Nio.Channels.IInterruptibleChannelInvoker")]
public interface IInterruptibleChannel : IChannel, IDisposable


Channels that implement this interface can be asynchronously closed and interrupted.

A channel that can be asynchronously closed permits that a thread blocked on an I/O operation (the I/O thread) can be released by another thread calling the channel's IInterruptibleChannel.Close method. The I/O thread will throw an Java.Nio.Channels.AsynchronousCloseException and the channel will be closed.

A channel that is interruptible permits a thread blocked on an I/O operation (the I/O thread) to be interrupted by another thread (by invoking Java.Lang.Thread.Interrupt on the I/O thread). When the I/O thread is interrupted it will throw a Java.Nio.Channels.ClosedByInterruptException, it will have its interrupted status set and the channel will be closed. If the I/O thread attempts to make an I/O call with the interrupt status set the call will immediately fail with a Java.Nio.Channels.ClosedByInterruptException.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Java.Nio.Channels
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 1